
"Oh, That I Were As In Months Past" by Joseph Fong
Recorded May 2022, Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
"La Bella Incorrupta" by Manuel de Zumaya 
Recorded May 2022, Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
"Coenantibus Autem Illis" by Juan de Lienas"
Recorded January 20, 2021, Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

"Silence My Soul" by Francisco Feliciano
Recorded November 8, 2020, Potowatami Park, South Bend, Indiana
Choreography by Shannon Dunnne, in colloboration with the dancers of the Children's Dance Workshop

"Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy's Sake" by Richard Farrant
Recorded January 22, 2020, Moreau Seminary Chapel, University of Notre Dame


Live Recording of Easter Vespers with the Notre Dame Basilica Schola.
Recorded May 5, 2019, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, University of Notre Dame.


"Come Sunday" by Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington.
Arranged for 8-part unaccompanied voices by Jonathan Hehn.
Recorded during a rehearsal in May 2019, Lady Chapel,
Basilica of the Sacred Heart, University of Notre Dame. 



"Abendleid" by Josef Rheinberger. 
Recorded live during Vespers on Sunday, October 7, 2018
Basilica of the Sacred Heart, University of Notre Dame.



Matins Responsory "I look from afar" by G.L. da Palestrina.
Recorded Live during Advent Lessons and Carols, December 6, 2015
Basilica of the Sacred Heart, University of Notre Dame.
Andrew J. McShane, Director.